Our culture and why we are subtly changing it
I recently posted an article on LinkedIn about one of my favourite sports teams, the Miami Dolphins, and how they are simply paying lipservice to the idea of a positive workplace culture. This has made us think about our culture, here at MWS Media, in a more focused and purposeful way. As a creative business, on Greenham Business Park, a genuinely history-filled space (our studio used to be a flight simulator with the giant nose-cone of a jet fighter in it), nestled amongst the beauty of Greenham Common Nature Reserve in Newbury, we are trying to be more aware of being proactive in our culture. And by that I mean not just not being prejudice, but recognising that we need to be more determinedly anti-prejudice, or else we risk being another amongst the silent majority instead of making our voices heard in the move towards positive change.
Here, with easy access to cameras and lights and our own studio and recording studio, our mantra is “Create, Everyday”. This is massively important as it encourages us all to be more investigatory, to be bolder, braver, and in itself this is an important step towards actively creating a positive and empowering workplace culture where we strive creatively to promote inclusivity, education and a dynamic attitude towards change, which happens first at home.
Well our studio is our home and if you ever want to work with us, either as a full service creative studio, production house or even just hire the studio, you will find us welcoming, positive and helpful as a bare minimum, and if you want to engage with us, you will find us open, encouraging and ready to talk ideas. But more than the baseline of business activity, you will find us human. We run MWS Media because we enjoy it.
As a first step in a move towards a more proactively positive culture, we need to remind ourselves how lucky we are in that.
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