Sales Promotion – Does it add value and what does it cost in 2021?
Sales Promotion (or SP) has a rich and interesting history. Anytime there has been a direct incentive or inducement offered as an extra, to stimulate a
purchase of goods or services, is a Sales Promotion. Coupons for example, were first used in the late 1800’s.
But SP’s really came into prominence in the UK in the 1950’s with the introduction of Green Shield Stamps, a program that rewarded shoppers with stamps that you collect and later exchange for gifts from a catalogue. It was pretty sophisticated for the time and was incredibly successful.
Over the decades followed more highly successful promotions which shows Britons love to participate in a good promotion – and the latest research for 2020 will show that we still do today.
But, if you’re a brand marketer, why choose Sales Promotion as one of your marketing tactics and how much will it cost?
SP has been referred to in marketing speak as “the pointy end of advertising” or “the last two feet”, since it is here that decisions are made by a consumer whether to pick a product off the shelf and add to their trolley. SP is an obvious option for marketers when your Strategy calls for a short-term, sharp rise in sales volume, consumer awareness or engagement. Then the fun begins. Which SP technique should be used?
The default technique is Price – should you discount the price of your product to sell more? Or do you maintain your current price and profit margins and look to added-value techniques? BOGOF, Sweepstakes or Free Premium Offers are popular choices. However, several other SP techniques exist but are seldom used, such as Self Liquidating Premiums (SLP), Collectors and Partnerships – all powerful choices when deployed correctly.
How you choose is based on your Strategy. And also your budget. Engaging a specialist consultant or agency can help recommend the Idea (concept) and the right technique to achieve your objectives for the budget available.
Here’s a fast guide to Sales Promotion costs in 2021 if you’re not familiar with them. For less than £7,500, a complete custom SP with ideas, mechanics,
legals, winner management, and fulfilment can be created and delivered (artwork and incentives are extra). For less than £4,000, full mechanics and winner management. For less than £2,000, a bespoke concept ready to go.
If you’re considering a Sales Promotion, get in touch with a specialist. We are always happy to provide free initial advice. When you’re ready, start with a brief and expect a comprehensive response in less than 10 days, complete with bespoke concepts, mechanics and reward suggestions. To get you started, we have a “Try Us Free” promotional opportunity.
For any free advice on SP, you can contact me at [email protected]
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