Unleash the magic of mail
Like a fire-breathing lion, mail is hard to ignore.
Over the last year, a whopping 96%* of mail was engaged with. That’s a record level. On average, people interact with an item of mail 4 times.
And in uncertain times, it retains consumer confidence. 87%** of people rate mail as believable. It ranks as one of the most trusted channels for Gen Z audiences, second only to search.
So if you’re interested in marketing effectiveness, mail has to be in the mix. Its combination of reach, trust and consumer engagement make it impossible to overlook.
** Royal Mail Marketreach, The Value of Mail in Uncertain Times, Kantar TNS 2017
Best Mailing Services Ltd.
Epping, Essex
W: www.bestmailing.co.uk
T: +44 (0)1992 524343
Check out or Direct Mail Hub to find Direct Mail services in your area: MCH Direct Mail Hub
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