Latest RAJAR Figures Announced

May 17, 2024

So, it’s RAJAR day and all stats are pointing to a record-breaking time for Radio.



The latest RAJAR sweep has shown that more people are listening to radio than ever before.  88.6% of adults in the UK are tuning in, that’s a massive 49.9m.

Commercial Radio is at an all time high of 39.7m listeners with Global’s Heart Network remaining the largest network reaching 12.3m adults every week and with Bauer’s Greatest Hits Network showing good growth with a record of 7.7m listeners each week.  The latter is buoyed by the stellar performance of radio legends Ken Bruce & Simon Mayo.

Impressively, 75% of commercial radio stations have seen increased reach compared to the previous quarter and that clearly has been stolen from the BBC where 53% of stations have seen reach decreases.

The conclusion is that Radio is in rude health and the British public are in love with it, more than ever before.

As a media agency it’s heartening to know that some of the more traditional channels we have in our armoury are more than alive and kicking and it means that we can cost effectively communicate with our clients potential customers knowing full well the likely results we’ll achieve.

Talk to Mostly Media today if you want to discuss all things audio.

Mostly Media

T: 01225 302 270

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